I'm kind of new at this, so i don't really know what to put on. If you got any idea, send it to me!!!
And as for my blog name, I've put it for this reason:
We seems to be so wrap up in finding the perfect job with the biggest pay check, that we sometime forget to just take the time to relax and enjoye simple thing. The biggest thing that dispointed me in that is that people seems to forget to smile. Don't you find yourself more beautiful when you smile?
Je suis nouvelle à ce genre de truck, donc je ne sais pas trop quoi y mettre. Si vous avez une idée, envoyer la moi!!!
Voici la raison pourquoi j'ai choisi ce nom pour mon blog:
Il semble que nous sommes assez pris par le fait de trouver l'emploi parfait avec le plus gros salaire que l'on oublie de relaxer et de prendre le temps d'apprécier les choses simples. La chose qui me désapointe le plus est que beaucoup de gens ont oublié comment rire. Ne vous trouvez-vous pas plus beau ou belle lorsque vous souriez?
i find myself more beautiful when i am eating kitkats by the dozen.
i think this blog should be about kitkats. gosh...they sure are yummy...
Still alive and eating Kit Kat, Al!!!
Give me a break!!!
And give me one of your kit kat!!!
Jill, this is the first bi-lingual blog I've ever seen.
Dude, you should ve truly Canadian and apply for a grant!
Wish it work like that Reese!! I would be rich!
I'm just a french girl in an english world!
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