live your life and smile

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I just watch Accepted. Being a teacher by formation, I think that that college reflet my version of what education should be. We should be able to choose what we want to learn. I would be proud to teach in that higher education institute. We are thaught, during our formation, but that application is rarely done, cuz we have strict rules to follow. Learning will be way more fun and attracting if it was like that. I will not have felt asleep like I did in some of my class if university would have been like that. What would you be your dream university, or college?

Je viens juste de regarder Accepté. En étant un enseignante de formation, cette université réflete ma version de ce que devrait être l'éducation. On devrait être capable de choisir ce que l'on voudrait étudier. Je serais fière d'enseigner dans ce genre d'institut post-secondaire. On nous apprend ceci, durant notre formation, mais l'application est rarement faite, car nous devons suivre des règles sévères. Apprendre serait vraiment plus interressant et attrayant de cette façon. Je n'aurais pas tombé endormie comme dans certains cours si l'université aurait été comme ça!! Que serait votre université de rêves ou votre collège?


Blogger Blog said...

I think I would have studied less science and more art and writing courses.... Also -- no exams!!!

I've never seen or heard of this show Accepted!

7:16 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

For me, I love science, but I have discover other passion in university.
Accepted is a movie, it play during the summer and just got out on dvd like a week or two ago.

5:58 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

I forgot to put that I would have ban everything that included to really know by heart the stuff thought. I hated my four last courses of chimestry for that.

6:01 AM  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Remembering stuff is essential too.

Understanding is one thing, knowing is another. Would you trust a doctor that can't remember a disease?

There are parts of learning that aren't as fun as others, but in the end, you always end up learning. :)

The ideal school would include karate classes. You have to teach both side of the human being. Mind, body.


8:18 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

There is a difference between knowing the symptoms of a disease and knowing how it work!
What I want to specify about my comments of banning "know by heart" is some person just learn some stuff by heart, without puttin an ounce of effort in understanding!! I found no use to it!!

12:36 PM  

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