Thirteen Things about Jill 13 place that I hurt during karate(nothing seriously!)
13 endroits ou je me suis fait mal durant le karaté(rien de sérieux!) 1. My left elbow, must have punch too far, might / Mon coude gauche, je pense avoir frappé trop loin 2. My right leg, several bruises /Ma jambe droite, plusieur echymoses 3.One of my hand, trying to punch and block at the same time is not a good idea /Une de mes mains, essayer de frapper et bloquer en même temps n'est pas une bonne idée 4.My boobs, when somebody kick you on it(and he was like 6 feet) it does hurt!! /Mes seins, lorsque quelqu'un m'a donné un coup de pied dessus(et la personne mesurait comme 6 pied), ça fait mal 5.Rib cage, a higher belt hit me there to make me realise that I was not protecting it enough!! /Ma cage thoracique, une ceinture plus élevée m'y a frappé pour me faire réaliser que je ne la protegeais pas suffisament!! 6. My knees, it's not a suprise, since I been having bad knees since high school /Mes genoux, pas de surprise là, j'ai des mauvais genoux depuis mon secondaire 7. The muscle on the back of my leg, going from my butt to my knee /Le muscle à l'arrière de ma jambe, qui va de mes fesses à mon genou 8. My abdominal muscles, when you do 20 sit up, 20 criscross and other kind of abdominal moves, when you are not use to doing some, it hurts(happen the first time I've try karate) /Mes muscles abdominaux, lorsque tu fais 20 redressements assis, 20 criss cross(touche le coude droit sur le genou gauche) et d'autres mouvements qui fait fonctionner tes abdominaux, c'est ankyloser le lendemain(la première fois que j'ai essayé le karaté) 9.My hips, some move is just not feeling right!! /Mes hanches, certains mouvements se font ressentir 10. My foot, been feeling a little bit weird since the chair accident /Mon pied droit, il continue à se comporter étrangement depuis l'accident de la chaise 11. My muscles against my rib cage, builting up has its bad side /Les muscles le long de ma cage thoracique, avoir une plus grande musculation a des mauvais côtés 12.Broke a nail!! I have to do my girl a little bit!! /Briser un/des ongle/s, je dois faire un peu ma fille!! 13. Arms, bruise again, I had to finish the list!! /Mes bras, échymoses, je devais bien finir la liste
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1.Miranda 2. Janie Hickok Siess, Esq. 3. Rashenbo 4. scribbit 5.JohnH985 6.baggage 7. Lisa 8.spyscribbler 9.Haley-O (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
owww...I feel your pain.
hope you have a better TT!!
Have you considered swimming? :-)
Drop by when you have a chance!
Ouch! Does not sound like fun! I hope tomorrow isn't too rough on you!
Have a great week.
And you're learning this for self-defense, right? So you won't get hurt by something? That's irony for you :)
I'm sore from just reading your post.
My 13 are up.
You guys make me laught this morning!!!
Miranda, I'm not in pain right now, I'm well, just trying to wake myself up!!
Janie, I love water, but I'm not a good swimmer... I'm out of breath after a lengt...
Rashenbo, it is fun. Today pratice should be ok, I'm pretty sure I,m gonna be with women(I found them too soft...)
Scribbit, for now, I only know little too selfdefense move. I'm doing it because I like it and to get in shape.
John, I guess you did work out to much while trying to read... But sore usualy means that some muscles have work!
Wow..and that is why I don't do karate! Hope your nail is ok!! :)
LOL!!! Baggage!! I think that you are a girly girl!! Worrying about my nail!!! And don't worry, it seems bad, but it's all worth it!!
Ow! That list makes me realize why I've never taken up karate. :-)
Happy TT, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
Karate! I love the martial arts. I'm trying to practice taekwondo, but I've had an oww that's been lasting for quite some time! Good luck!
Lisa, a lot of that happen because I'm kind of rough for a girl!!
Spy, a what? but whatever it is, hope it will heal soon!!
Wow, Jill! that's insane!!! Now I know why your such a biatch in your comments! ;) KIDDING! You DA BEST!
Would you like me if I was not one, Haley?? Look at my entry today, and that would be a reason to really be one, but I'm gonna still smile to the world
Karate has often been compared to masochism.
go figure...
We might be all a little masochism , Mat. But a part of that pain, you know it, is all worth it, because you are learning and your body is getting more in shape.
I'm impressed with anyone that does martial arts. I would like to but I think I'm too old now lol. Thanks for visiting my TT.
ancsweetnsassygal, you are not too old!! You are like what, in your 50's? There is a 69 years old man that past his black belt last May! There is another man in his 60 that start last year... Never too old!!
#7 is called the hamstring in English.
I like your French! But I have no idea how to say #7 in French. (Le sept?)
Thank you for stopping by She Lives and for your nice comment. (Merci pour votre bon comment?)
Carol, I should know the name of that muscle, I'm just too lazy. We would say le septième, cuz le nombre sept, just sound lame..
I really like it when you anglophone try to write in french!! Cotinue trying, I do appreciate it!!
I took Tae Kwon do, it hurts some days! Keep at it.
I took Tae Kwon do, it hurts some days! Keep at it.
I feel your pain. *grin* I teach tae kwon do. The day after my black belt test (six hour test!), I was so sore that I could barely move. I had bruises covering both forearms from sparring, and all I wanted to do was stand in a nice hot soothing shower all day.
Poor you!
Take care!
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog!Welcome back any time.
I will Exercise for Comments!
Marcia, I know... some days will just go fine, without even a bruise, but other days, everything goes wrong, pain moves...
Julie, six hours?? That pure torture!! I'm really gonna stick to karate!!Less espensive and less painfull!! I understand the bath after six hours of intensive work out!!
Sunflower, I'm always taking of me!! I've got an understanding of how my body works at a young age!!
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