..... Where am I?
I'm halfway through my course. I really like massage therapy, but I'm to a point of my life when I don't know where I'm going.
I'm single. And for the first time in my life, it does hit me really hard. I'm wanting a boyfriend, that need of affection is almost always there. I need someone to take me in his arms.
And I'm not getting younger. Yes, I don't want to be pregnant when being in school, but I'm gonna be 28. I'm a bit scare of having kid, but i always want some.
And i have to think in December, am I staying here, or am I going back home...
Hi Jill - I definitely sympathize with your longing to have your life settle into something you dream of. If only we could know that things will turn out. It would make it easier to get through times like the ones you're living in.
I've been where you're at. I'm in a much happier and better place now, if that helps you to believe in things working out the way you'd like them to. Sending good vibes that they will!
Hi, i was looking for quote for live your life and smile and i found your blog.
I read it, and i felt that i have been thru what u've been thru: the hell of study at college and all the exams, money problem, cos my single mum raise me up, support me with tuition fees. I've cried a lot, sometimes i even question why this is happening to me? i shouldn't have take the course i'm taking in the college etc...the feeling i have is exactly like yours...but hey, i like the course i'm taking! I'll be graduating at this coming october, and i will repay my parent kindness by working hard, give her some money every month from my salary to let her enjoy her life!!!
What i can say is that u need to pray to God, ask Him to guide u, show u the way...Have faith!!!
Regarding boy girl relationship, i've never dating a guy before, eventhough now im 23 years old. Sometimes i wish i have one bf, to be loved by some1, to be there for me etc. But i've seen a lot of examples of bad relationship, that makes me think that actually being single is also a blessings!!!
I'm sure you will find the right person that will be your soul mate. It's only a matter of timing. Don't rush it.
God bless u!!!
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