live your life and smile

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Candy: why don't they taste like when we were young

Ok, I've always had a sweet tooth and never the kind to refuse to myself some sugar. So growing up living near a store, almost growing up in the store and bring the niece's owner, I did have acces to a lot of kind of candy. But I have a hard time finding some of the candies like they had back when I was a kid. There was like a wax tube fill up with a sugary syrup, non existant now. And the blue whale and the frog don't taste the same now then 10-20 years ago!!!! I HATE THAT FACT!!!!!!!!!!!

Les bonbons: pourquoi ne goûtent-ils pas comme lorsque nous étions jeunes?
Ok, j'ai toujours eu un faible pour le sucre et je ne m'ai jamais refusé ce plaisir. Lorsque je grandissais, j'habitais proche d'un magasin, j'y ai même presque grandi et en étant la nièce du propriétaire, j'avais l'oportunité des choix en bonbons. Mais, maintenant, j'ai de la difficulté à trouver des bonbons comme lorsque j'étais enfant. Il y avait un genre de tube de cire rempli d,un sirop sucré, ils sont non existant maintenant. Et les baleines bleues et les grenouilles ne goûtent absolument pas comme avant!!!! JE HAIS CES FAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Reese said...

You're right! Blue whales taste different. AND they're, like, 40% smaller. Hmmph.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

I can't really say about the size, but they don't have the same shape as when I was a kid. They might have changes the mold cuz thy lost the recipes at the same time!!!

5:37 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

Wine still tastes the same now as it did when I was a kid! :-)

8:14 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Dale, do you have a problem you wanted to talk about?
At the same time you will be talking about your problem, do you might have a suggestion for a great wine, cuz I'm picky on that point?

9:59 AM  

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