live your life and smile

Friday, September 21, 2007

Healty Living tip By Christie

Healty tip # 95:
Like to dance? Put in a CD of your favorite music and dance to the tunes for 15-30 minutes- What a way to burn calories!

Conseil pour une vie saine # 95:
Vous aimez la danse? Mettez un CD de votre musique préférée pendant 15 à 30 minutes, méthode idéale pour brûler des calories!

Healty tips : #53, #95



Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Canada we spell the word "favourite" with a 'U'.
Jill I am disappointed that you are using American Spelling Conventions.

6:11 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Since I didn't have to think about writting it(I was copying it from the wrapping), it's just a proof more of the American supremacy on us Canadians!!
(How are you coming out with your new site??)

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a doctor, not a computer geek, so it is taking a long time to set up.
The Canadian dollar is now about par with the Yankee dollar.
Did you miss me while I was away?

7:21 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

That doesn't mean you cannot be fast at it!! And that you have to not autorised comment on your blog!!
And I'm not anwering your question, Rhet!

7:38 AM  

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