live your life and smile

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My life sucks bad right now!

I wish I didn't like my course right now! BEcause I don't have a penny left to myself...I don't have full student loan, since I thought I would get unemployement, which I didn't have because they are asshole that won't give it to me since I already have a bachelor!
But I fucking like it the course. I even have a friend of mine telling that he didn't have a backpain from all week after I've massage him. I like the fact that I can help people feel better!
But all the stress from my money problem and from the exams are overwelming. I've cry a couple of time the last few weeks. This is hard for me. I'Ve never had a lot of money, but I was always able to pay my debt and have a bit of extra money.
Sometime, I just wish things wouldn't have to be so complicated in my life. Why, when I want to do something, there always have to be at least one thing making it hard for me!
Anyway, I guess I would just have to wipe my tears for now, go eat and study!
I have to try to be strong once again, even if inside, I'm broken....

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3 more to go...then :)!

I have three more exams to go! 3 more! I've done 5 the last 2 weeks, and still gonna have to study for three more days! And then, on Friday, you can bet you are gonna have a drunken me on your arms.
You know you have a lot to study, when, on a Friday night(last friday) you are studying. Yes, you read it right, I was studying last Friday! I have no life right now! I was this close last Friday to start drinking and studying!
3 Days! 3 Days! And I won't have to think or study for a week!
I'm wondering when do I start drinking on Friday! Would I be able to wait until supper time?
My exams are going well, except the one I had today! There was half of the question I wasn't sure at all! I hate the teacher! And a quarter of the question were on the group of muscles I just couldn't put in my head!

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