live your life and smile

Sunday, October 29, 2006

what if/ si

After watching Heroes, espacially the episode where Hayden Patteniere carahacter wakes up at the morgue slip open, what would you do if you wake up tomorrow with a superpower? What would it be, if you had to choose? How would you react?
For me, for the exact moment, my superpower would be selective mindreading. It would help to know if i had a chance with the guys I'm interrested in. It would help myself to not be in some mess. And I could know what my gifts are:D
For my reaction, I won't believe my eyes. I know that we can all be heroes, but I don't believe in superpowers.
Après avoir regardé l'émission Heroes, tout spécialement l'épisode ou le personnage de Hayden Patte.. se réveille à la morgue, le torax d'ouvert! Que fairiez-vous si demain matin vous vous réveillez et vous avez des superpouvoirs? Quels seront-ils, si vous aviez le choix?Comment réagirrez-vous?
Pour ce qui a attrait a moi, le super pouvoir que je choissirerai, pour maintennant, serait de pouvoir lire la pensée, mais sélectivement. je ne veux pas lire la pensée de tout le monde en meme temps!!! Allo mal de tete! Ca pourrait aider a savoir si les gars que je trouve intéressants s'interressent en moi! Pis ca m'aiderait de ne pas me mettre les peids dans les plats des fois! Et aussi de savoir ce que j'ai comme cadeaux avant le temps!:D
Pour ce qui est de ma réaction, je n'y croirais pas mes yeux! puisque je suis spectique a ce genre de chose, on peut tous etre des héros, mais pas avoir des superpouvoirs.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

go go go-Lance et compte

That might not interest most of you, because it's a french show, but for those real hockey fan, I tell you you should give it a try and look.
This show did start when i was a kid, in the 80's, didn't have show during most of the 90's and start back 3 or 4 years ago.
The story is of a québec NHL hockey team, Le National(pretty much the same thing as the late Nordiques). It follow the story of the team, the players, the coaches and the agents. This season, the main event is the accidental dead of one of the team opposent player after being check into the border by one of the rookie.
So for you girls, you might not be a big hockey fan, you would get a lot of change room clip, with, did I mention, hot looking guy and I think some are real hockey player. There is a crazy B%*#? that force her boyfriend to play rusian roulette so he could have the best sex ever!
So go take a look, it plays on TVA at 10p.m Maritime time, 9 ET.


Last night, I was zapping through the channel when i end up on the show that Georges Stombo..... is hosting!! I had forgot how hot he did look!! What is there more to want on a guy? He gots the great look, he has the rebel look, he is articulate and smart!!! Now i remember why i was watching soo much MuchMusic while he was a VJ!!!
I think i have to change my Christmas list! I will skip clothes, mp3 player, books and the rest of my usual list. My main item will be Georges!!! This will be the best Christmas ever!!
So if someone has a plan to get my main item on my wishlist, you'll know what to do!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Like 3 years ago, i partially broke my two front teeth. I had it repare, the dentist fill it up with a kind of plaster and for the one more broken, insert two titanium pin in it(still wondering if I will make the metal detecter go on).
anyway, it,s been a couple days, I've been feeling pain where the pins are. I don,t understand why. There is no change in my diet. I do take care of my mouth and gum( at least brushing twice a day and using mouthwash at least once a day). Don't know why it hurts! Been driving me crazy!!! Espacilly since I don't have nerves in one half of the tooth.
Can someone explain why?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

answer my questions, please?

Why do we continued doind sport even if our muscles hurt so much afterward?
Why do we eat so much, when we know we are going to feel like shit by doing it?
Why do we take that extra drink even if we know we are going to be sick?


Pourquoi est-ce que l'on continue de faire du sport, malgré le fait que l,on sait que l,on va avoir des courbatures dans nos muscles?
Pourquoi est-ce que l'on mange comme des chochons, même si on sait que on va se sentir comme de la merde après?
pourquoi on prend le verre d'extra lorsque l'on sait que l,on va etre malade?

Monday, October 16, 2006

karate or how to concentrated?

How am I suppose to concentrated on my moves?
Ok, i do like the sport. I do have a good concentration, but everyone has their limits. And my 2 last pratice , I've been having an hard time having my full concentration. There this new guy, and he's looking good. he use to be an hockey player( don't know if he still does some) so imagine the body type. How can you concentrated when you have to look in front of you and it is him you have in front you? i can say that i don't have my eyes on the level I'm supposed to, that is looking in the other person. ;) And there is the other guy(he looks good too) that today was had a fly on his back. I just wanted to flick it away, off his shoulders!! It was frustrating!!!
Too much distraction!!!! Somebody will have to help me on this point!!! lol


Multiples personnality disorder/ Syndrôme des personnalités multiples

I just finish reading "Joan: an autobiography of a multiple personnality" . This book tells the story of Joan from when she started her traitment with Lynn, a psychologist, until her integration. in the book, you can read the point of view of Joan and Lynn.
Ok, enough with the book description, it,s about the syndrom i wanted to talk about. A person must have lived really traumatism so that differents parts of her become de new personalities. Un face of her personnality becomes a personnality by it own. There is more case than I expected, I was surprised to see the pourcentage of the population than does suffer from that syndrom: 1%. So we are probably gonna know someone that does suffer the syndrom through our life!
What kind of interaction does happen in the brain of the person with that syndrom? Does their brain works more than ours to make their body work with all those personnalities? What kind of traumatism are going to create a new personnality?How come all the personnalities don,t have aknowlegde of the other? How come certain personnalities remember when the other surface, and other don't?

J'ai juste terminé de lire "Joan: l'autobiographie d'une personnalité multiple". Le livre raconte comment c'est passé la vie de Joan du début de son traitement auprès de Lynn, une psychologue, jusqu'à son intégration. Au cours du livre, on peut lire les points de vue de Joan et de Lynn.
Ok, suffisament sur la description du livre, c,est du syndrome que je veux parler. une personne doit avoir de graves traumatisme pour que les différentes parties d'elles deviennent vraiment de nouvelles personnalités. Une facette de la personnalité devient une personnalité belle et bien distinte. Il y a aussi beaucoup plus que l,on pense, j'étais surprise de voir le pourcentage de la population que l'on croit qui souffre de ce syndrome : 1% . Ce qui veut dire que ce n'est pas un syndrome si rare que l'on peut le croire. On connaitra probablement quelqu'un qui en souffre lors de notre existance.
Quel genre d'interaction se passe-t-il dans le cerveau des personnes qui ont ce syndrome? Est-ce que leur cerveau fonctionne plus que le notre pour compenser toutes ces personnalités? Quel genre de traumatisme provoque l'apparition d'une nouvelle personnalité? Pourquoi certaines personnalités savent que les autres existent et d'autres non? Pourquoi certaines personnalité sont-elles consientes lorsque une autre personnalité refait surface?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

CSI/Les Experts

Ok, I do enjoye watching the show. I do watch the three series: CSI:crime scene investigation, CSI:Miami and CSI:NY. Some people call it predictable, but i trry not to ask myself to much questions while i'm watching. The show has a lot of stuff to keep me interested : enough sciences trick to touch my inner scientist and good looking guy. And you want to know how the caracters gonna evolve.


Ok, j'aime regarder cette émission. Je regarde les trois volets de l,émission: Les Experts, CSI:Miami et CSI: NY. Certaines personnes disent que l,émission est devenue prédictable, mais j'essaye de ne pas me demander trop de questions lorsque je les regarde. Ces émissions ont plusieurs choses pour garder mon attention : suffisament de trucs scientifiques pour retenir l'attention de la scientiste en moi et de bels hommes. Et l'on veut toujours savoir comment les personnages vont évoluer.

An American Hauting

I Watch An American Hauting about two month ago. Some people at the store didn't like it. I really like it , but it made me think if our brain could really work this way. I do believe in ghost, Ive talk about it before on my blog, but this movie, I think it's based on true events, made me think about this aspect on an all new way. Some stuff our bain just want to stock in an hidden part and close it forever. But does a group of people could have this same blockage for a series of events that they all witness? What does it takes to make our brain block something, make us have amnesia for certain events that are too traumatazing for us to keep in our conscient mind??? Stuff like that makes me want to continue some studies in psychology and psychiatry.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Candy: why don't they taste like when we were young

Ok, I've always had a sweet tooth and never the kind to refuse to myself some sugar. So growing up living near a store, almost growing up in the store and bring the niece's owner, I did have acces to a lot of kind of candy. But I have a hard time finding some of the candies like they had back when I was a kid. There was like a wax tube fill up with a sugary syrup, non existant now. And the blue whale and the frog don't taste the same now then 10-20 years ago!!!! I HATE THAT FACT!!!!!!!!!!!

Les bonbons: pourquoi ne goûtent-ils pas comme lorsque nous étions jeunes?
Ok, j'ai toujours eu un faible pour le sucre et je ne m'ai jamais refusé ce plaisir. Lorsque je grandissais, j'habitais proche d'un magasin, j'y ai même presque grandi et en étant la nièce du propriétaire, j'avais l'oportunité des choix en bonbons. Mais, maintenant, j'ai de la difficulté à trouver des bonbons comme lorsque j'étais enfant. Il y avait un genre de tube de cire rempli d,un sirop sucré, ils sont non existant maintenant. Et les baleines bleues et les grenouilles ne goûtent absolument pas comme avant!!!! JE HAIS CES FAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hate it when my computer broke!!

Ok, I know there was not much coming from me lately, but my computer was broke! And damn, cuz I was not working, couldn't get it repared!! But should be repared on wednesday, so I'll be back on the www, and since I've got a lot of time, I have a lot of subject to discust!! And my english is not getting better with time!!