live your life and smile

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 15

Thirteen Things about Jill

13 ways I remember some of my friends

1. M, with the song "C,est Noël car il neige dans mon coeur", because he was always singing it around Christmas time

2. Another M, when we were working together , he did always put 3 Doors Down 's around the sun cd to play, and said all time that ÉHere without you" will be their next single(and he was right.

3. M, I remember her with Think it over... It use to be her favorite song

4. N, with "get your freak on" because she use to adore it, and we dance a lot and got prepare to get to the club with that song.

5. AJ, with Dilema, she sang it really bad, and was runing that song

6. N, with "Moving on" She had just change of university, or was about to do it, and was listening to it over and over again

7. S, and eye of the tiger, I heard him listen to it really often, and say to me it was the best song to boost him up...

8. My older sister, and the smell of baby powder... She has always wear baby powder Secret... when I hug her, the smell was alway there, and now, when I come near her

9.P, and is Orgasmic(something like that). It was is favorite adjective to say, He use it like once a day.

10. J-L, and my tendency to touch thing... When you do a bachelor in education, you do a ton of test to learn to know yourself better. We were doing one of those , and there was a question asking " Do you tend to have to touch thing". He look at me and said, "yup, that's you!" So everytime I go shopping, and i do really do that, and I have to feel the fabric, I think of him.

11. M-C, and ".... il frait frete, je vais mourir!"(... it's cold, I'm gonna die) She said it so many time while we were walking to the university club... And I tease her everytime(while freezing my ass too!!)

12.E, for his beautiful smile. I always like a great beautiful smile on a man. Since I love to smile, and consider myself as an happy person...

13. And, you, how do you remember some of your friend?
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
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Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bye bye Diana!!

So, tonight, it was America Next Top Model...And who was the botton three?? My 3 favorites!! Britney, Jael and Diana!! I knew that one would be gone!!:'( Here whatthe judge had to say: Jael was not convising them in that picture, even if they thought that she had make some progress, Britney didn't hide her breast enough and Diana was just reliaing on being pretty. Then, Jael was safe!! So there was only the two plus size model left!!! Yup , that meant that there could be only one left... So Diana was send home!!! They could have give her a second chance, and could sent somebody else like Jaslene or that hawaii on that I have a blank with her name(Renee!!) I know that this week, her best picture was not great, but she did a fantastic job last week!! I hope now that Britney does kick ass to make all of us, round and/or curvatious body proud!! And to make shut up that annoying and so foul of herself Renee!!!
Farewell Diana!! Hope to see you soon somewhere!!
And Britney, prove to the world that a plus size model can be as big as a top model than an skinny girl!!!!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 14

Thirteen Things about Jill
On Valentine's day, we had the news that my oldest niece had cystic fibrosis. It's been a while since they were trying to diagnose what she had. It was a bad new, but at least now, she can get a proper treatment, and she is getting better, she even hyper and her old self again!!/ LA journée de la Saint-Valentin, nous avons eu la nouvelle que la plus vieille de mes nièces était atteinte de fibrose kystique. On essaiat depuis un bon moment de diagnotiquer ce qu'elle avait. C'était une mauvaise nouvelle, mais maintenant elle peut avoir le traitement approprié, et elle commence à se sentir meilleur et commence à même être hyper... Elle est à nouveau elle même!!

13 things about Cystic fibrosis/13 choses à propos de la fibrose kystique
Symptoms /Symptomes
1.An accumulation of mucus/Une accumulation de mucus
2.difficulty breathing /difficulté à respirer;
3. constant cough which expels thick mucus;/ toux persistante avec expectorations de mucus épais
4.excessive appetite, with weight loss , she is tiny, but she started to gain back weight/appétit extrême combiné à une perte de poids, elle est maigre, mais elle a commencé à reprendre du poids
5.bowel disturbances/troubles intestinaux; which tastes salty, sometimes, we only kiss her, and had a salty taste on our lips!/peau au goût salé, des fois, on lui donnait juste un bec, et nous avions un goût salé sur nos lèvres
7.repeated or prolonged bouts of pneumonia/poussées répétitives de pneumonie de longue durée;
8.failure to thrive /retard de croissance.
Suivi médical
9.tapping or "clapping" the chest and the back vigorously(percussion) or PEP (positive expiratory pressure) Mask Therapy to help loosen the mucus which clogs the lungs/ des tapes ou « claquades » vigoureuses sur la poitrine et le dos (percussion) ou la thérapie par masque PEP (pression expiratoire positive) pour aider à dégager le mucus qui bouche les poumons
10.taking pancreatic enzymes with all meals, to aid digestion Since she cannot digest fat, she will need to take some all of her life. That explain, too why she was so skinny /des enzymes pancréatiques, prises à chaque repas pour faciliter la digestion Puisqu'elle ne peut pas digérer les lipides, elle va devoir en prendre toute sa vie. Et ça explique aussi pourquoi elle était si maigre
11.taking nutritional supplements and vitamins to promote good nutrition Because she sweat a lot, she need extra help to keep them balance / des suppléments nutritifs et des vitamines pour améliorer la nutrition Car elle sue plus que la normale, elle doit prendre ces suppléments pour sauvegarder la balance de ces choses
12.taking antibiotics in pill, intravenous (IV), and or inhaled forms, to ease congestion and protect against and fight lung infection the poor thing has to stay an extra 2 weeks at IWK because she cautgh a virus /des antibiotiques sous forme de comprimés, en aérosol ou par voie intraveineuse (i.v.) pour soulager la congestion et éviter ou combattre l'infection pulmonaire La pauvre a du rester deux semaines de plus à IWK car elle a attrapé un virus
Autres faits
13.In 1960, when the CCFF was founded, a child born with cystic fibrosis rarely lived four years. Today, half of all Canadians with CF are expected to live into their late-thirties and beyond. /En 1960, année où la FCFK a été fondée, un enfant atteint de la fibrose kystique vivait rarement quatre ans. Aujourd'hui, on s'attend à ce que la moitié des canadiens FK dépassent la fin de la trentaine
14.More than 47% of all Canadians with CF are over the age of 18 years. These men and women are pursuing post-secondary education, careers and many are having families of their own; a tremendous accomplishment, but not enough /Plus de 47 % de tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes FK ont 18 ans ou plus. Ces hommes et ces femmes poursuivent des études postsecondaires et des carrières, et un grand nombre fondent des familles. Il s'agit d'une réalisation importante, mais ce n'est pas assez.

15.As of 2002, the median age of survival of Canadians with cystic fibrosis is 37 years of age. The median age of survival is the age beyond which half of the CF population can be expected to live. /Depuis 2002, l’âge médian de survie des Canadiens atteints de fibro-kystique est supérieur à 37 ans. L’âge médian de survie est l’âge que l’on s’attend voir la moitié de la population atteindre.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
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Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Urban legend/Légendes urbaines

My fascination for urban legend is old... I know that the first time I've heard one, I was in elementary school... I should have been in 5th grade, and it was Bloody Mary. Then, there was the first Urban Legend movie, with Joshua Jackson... There was a serie on YTV that was two cocrach telling something that happen to a friend of a friend of mine... There was that show on TLC that I adore "Urban legend: Truth or myth?" This one was awesome. You had a little introduction of an urban legend act out. Then there was special, anthropologist, sociolagist... That were debating the rooth of the story, and if it was true or not... I really adored how they told the moral of each one, and to found out if it was true or not.
Lately, I've been searching through some Urban legends site, enjoye them, laughing out loud at some people ignorance, laughing at myself pointing out the one I would have believe, and surprise at some that are true.
Since I don't remember one completely, with all the crunchy detail, I leave you a link to the site I have look today:

Ma fascination pour les légendes urbaines est assez vieille... Je sais que la première fois que je me rappelle clairement en avoir entendue une, je devrais être à l'école primaire... J'aurais du être en cinquième année, je pense et c,était Bloody Mary(Marie ensanglée). Après il y a eu le premier film Légendes Urbaines, avec mon beau Joshua Jackson... Après, il y a eu la série de YTV, repris par Vrak.TV(ou canal famille dans le temps) frissons, ou deux coquerelles vous racontent des histoires qui sont arrivées à des amies de mes amis... Par la suite, il a eu cette émission sur TLC que j'ai adoré : "Unban Legends: Truth ou myth?"(Légendes urbaines: vérité ou mythe) Elle était juste extraordinaire. On presentait la légende en premier, et pas la suite, il y avait des spécialistes, anthropologistes, sociologues...
Ils discutaient de la source des légendes, et de si elles étaient vrai ou non... J'adorais aussi qu'ils mentionnaient la moral qu'il y avait dans chaque, et de savoir si elle étaient vraies ou non.
Dernièrement, je regarde les sites de légendes urbaines, j'aime bien les lire, rire au fait de l'ignorance de certaines personnes, rire de moi en regardant celles que j'ai pu croire, et surprise de celle qui sont vrai.
Puisque je ne me rappelle pas de légendes au complet, avec tous les détails croustillants, je vous laisse avec un lien(en anglais, je m'excuse) d'un site que j'ai regarder aujourd'hui!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


On Thursday night, like usual, I had a karate pratice. Usualy, when master sanseï L is not there, it's sanseï C that is teaching us. But C was not there, and lately master sanseï M comes on Thursday. So it was master sanseï M that train us on Thursday. I would descrive the man. He has some thigh bigger than mine, I'm kite sure, and with my hips, I have big thigh, and he is a massive man!! So we start,as usual, with a warm-up, some strech, sit-up, push-up, other exercices for the tummy and legs. Routine, what! Usualy, we do have a little break after the warm-up, but not on Thursday! Right away, we are praticing the sequel of movements. Firsly, we did the basic, front ball kick, side kick, high palm hill, palm hill across, punch. After, "put yourself into a straddle" he said to us. There was nothing, we usualy do something like that. But then, he told us "I want you lower in your stances". And when somebody was not enough low for him, he make us wait a minute until the person was low enough. Between those sequence, he makes us stay in a straddle, our arms out, without moving for awhile. Then another sequence in a straddle and another part in a straddle with our hand out(for you that are wondering what a straddle stance is, we are standing, almost like if we were sitting on a chair, without the chair). This thing continue for like 20 minutes, i think, and other said for like 30 minutes!!
This position is really hard on the knees, for me, but on Thursday, I could feel the muscles on the top of my thigh on fire... I did have an hard time getting out of my ki and putting my boot since my leg were like lead. Usualy, when I get out of a pratice, I'm rested physicaly and mentally, but on this Thursday, I was exausted physically. When I sat down in the car, I was just feeling the weight of my legs, who didn't want to move.

Anyways, I hope that we don't get too much pratices like that one... My brother-in-law was just there saying "he is crazy!!" I think alot of us we disappointed with how the pratice went. We are use to getting push, but not to our physical limit like that!!!

Jeudi soir, comme habituellement, j'Avais une pratique de karaté. Habituellement, lorsque master sanseï L n'est pas là, c'est sanseï C qui nous enseigne. Mais C n'était pas là, et dernièrement master sanseï M vient les jeudis. C'était donc master sanseï M qui nou a entrainé jeudi. Je vous décris un peu l'homme... Il a des cuisses, j'en suis pas mal sure, plus grosses que les miennes(et avec mes hanches, j'ai quand même de grosses cuisses) et l'homme est massif!
Donc on commence, réchauffement comme habituellement. Étirement, push-up, sit up et différentes exercices pour les jambes et le ventre. La routine, quoi! Habituellement, nous avons une pause juste après les réchauffements, mais jeudi, non! Tout de suite à pratiquer les mouvements dans des suites d'enchainement. Première série, les bases, front ball kick, side kick, high palm hill, palm hill accros, punch. Apres, "mettez vous sur un stradle" nous a-t-il dit. Pas rien la, c'est à peu pres comme ca que nous fonctionnons habituellement. Mais la, lorsque nous nous mettons dans notre stance, il nous dit "Je vous veux plus bas dans vos stances". Et quand il y avait quelqu'un qui n'était pas assez bas pour lui, il fesait attendre tout le monde une minute jusqu'à la personne soit assez bas. Entre ces suites, il nous fesait rester dans notre straddle les mains allongées à l'avant et nous devions rester comme cela sans bouger. Après une autre série de mouvements dans notre straddle stand et une autre période de temps en straddle(pour ceux qui ce demandent ce qu'Est la posture du straddle, on doit rester dans une position accroupi, comme si on allait s'asseoir, le dos droit et les jambes pliées) les mains allongées devant nous. Ce petit stratagème s'est dérouller sur une période de temps de 20 minutes, selon moi, mais d'autres dissent 30 min!
Cette position est déjà très dure sur les genoux, je trouve, mais jeudi, les muscles sur le dessus de mes jambes étaient en feu... J'ai eu de la difficulté à sortir hors de mon ki et à mettre mes bottes à force que mes jambes étaient de plomb. Habituellement lorsque je sors d'une pratique, je suis reposée physiquement et mentallement, mais ce jeudi, j'étais épuisée physiquement. Une fois assis dans l'auto, je sentais juste le poids de mes jambes, ne voulant pas bouger.
En tout cas, j'espère que nous n'aurons pas souvent des pratiques comme ça... Mon beau-frère était la et il a dit "il est fou!!" Je pense que nous étions tous un peu décu de la manière que la pratique c'est passée. On est habitué à être poussés, mais pas à ce point là!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 13

Thirteen Things about Jill

13 movies I could watch over and over again!! /13 films que je pourrais regarder et regarder encore!

1. A Knight's Tale... Did I mention before, I do find Heath Ledger cute?? And I just like the mix between modern and medieval/ Est-ce que j'ai déjà mentionné que je trouvais Heath Ledger beau?? Et j'aime juste le mélange entre le moderne et le médievial qui s'y trouve

2. The fast and Furious... Paul Walker... Vin diesel... Great car... Do I need to say more??/ Paul Walker... Vin Diesel... DE belles autos.... Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'en dire plus?

3. An American Hunting... Just really like the story/ J'aime juste l'histoire

4. La guerre des Tuques ... I judt kept watching when I was a child/ Je le regardais sans relache lorsque j'étais enfant

5. A walk to remember... I just so cute... And I really like the two main actors.../ l'histoire est juste belle, et j'aime bien les deux acteurs principaux....

6.Elles étaient cinq... Raw and great story line... And actually make me hate Peter Miller for a second / Un peu cru et une bonne histoire... Et il m'a fait hair Peter Miller pour une seconde

7. Romeo must die... I adore Jet Li Style.../ J'adore le style de Jet Li

8.The scorpion king... Hello!! The rock half naked through the movie... / Allo!!! The Rock à moitié nu à travers le film....

9.City of angel...Since this is where my favorite quote comes from / Puisque mon ligne préféré vient de ce film

10. Lizzie Maguire Movie... I know, got addited to this one in university... Yup, one of those thing / Je sais, je suis devenu addicté à celui-ci à l'université... oui, juste une de ces choses

11.Residenze Evil... A kick ass female hero... and they add a couple of zombies with that?? I'm in!!/ Une héroïne puissante... ajouter quelques zombies... Je suis toujours prête!!

12. The fast and furious: Tokyo drift... Did I mention I like movies with car??? And they have pretty tricks in that one/ ESt-ce que j'ai déjà mentionné que j'aime les films avec les autos?? Et ils ont de belles maneuvres ici

13. Bon cop, Bad cop ... The burning house part is so hilarious... and to see a guy from Québec and one from Ontario working on the same case... / LA partie ou la maison brule est juste drole... et pour voir un Québecois et un Ontarien travailler sur le même cas...

And #14, cuz I just remember Driven! It is the most accure movie about Formula-1 drivers I've seen/ C'est le film qui réflete le plus la vie de coureurs de Formule-1

Go see a little poem/game I'm doing at my other site, and you can play more than once...

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
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Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Last night, like most tuesday night, was karate night! I've actually arrived a couple minutes before it start, so I could do the whole warm-up... So we warm up our ankle, knee, do some squat... Then, it was time to strech out our leg... I was going down, to do the strech, when I hear a screeeeetttttttccccccccccchhhhhh!!!! My ki pant had just rip open in my inner thigh... I had to finish the warm-up, like 15 minutes, with some rip pants, and then finish the rest of the pratice with a pair of jeans!!! It was pretty inconfortable!! The worst part, I just had my ki since like June!!
That just put a thing more into my believe that a ki is not made for a woman at all!! It is way too tight on my thight... And girl, did you see how unflatering it is?? Anyway, I don't know about you, but, for me, it just don't flatter me...


Friday, March 09, 2007

My visual DNA

You Should Be A Poet

You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.

And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...

Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.

You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem.

Chech out my other site, this might explain a lot about this(and you can play my little game at the same time!! And you can participate more than once!!)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 12

Thirteen Things about Jill

13 things I miss about university(USA rules!!!) (I'm repeating one of my old post here!!)
1. My friends
2. Having friends that are my age
3. Proscratination( I learn that work when I was in university!!)
4. Going to the club almost every weekend(even if it was the Château)
5. Recardo's, they had the most grease on their garlic finger, but damn their garlic finger were the best
6. Sweet Mademoiselle, espacially the one wher we saw Sam great butt
7. Saturday nacho or tacos
8. Caper-Newfie
9. Watching movie with Tonia and trying to find a moral or a philosophic meaning to the movie, so we wouldn't feel so guilty for not doing our homework
10. Marie-Claire"Il fait froid. Je vais mourir."("It's so cold. I'm gonna died") while going to the Chateau
11. Drinking game, and the drinking part . Remember kissing the wall, dear neighbor
12. Notes we wrote during our boring class. Jean-Luc never felt out of his chair and Chris was still looking good.
13. Night in Yarmouth/trip to there/late roadtrip or walk

This week, I like you to go to my other site, and play to the game presented there...(here is the link or see sidebar

13 choses qui me manquent à propos de l'université (USA rock!!)(Je reprends un de mes vieilles entrées ici...)
1. Mes amis
2. Avoir des amis qui ont mon âge
3.Ne rien faire
4. Aller au club presqu'à toutes les fins de semaine, même si c'était au Château
5.Recardo's, il avait les doigts à l'ail les plus graisseux, mais les meilleurs au monde
6. Sweet Mademoiselle, tout spécialement celle ou on a vu les fesses de Sam
7. Les nachos ou les tacos que l'on mangeait le samedi
8. Caper-Newfie
9. Regarder des films avec Tonia et essayer de trouver une morale ou une philosophie pour se sentir moins coupable de ne pas avoir fait nos devoirs
10. Marie-Claire "Il fait froid. Je vais mourir." lorsque l'on allait au Château
11. Les jeux pour boire, et la partie boire. Tu te rappelle d'avoir embrassé le mur, chère voisine.
12. Les petites notes que l'on s'écrivait pendant nos classes plates. Jean-Luc n'est jamais tombé de sa chaise et Chris gardait encore bien.
13. Soirée à Yarmouth/voyage là/ nos voyages tards ou nos marches lorsqu'il fesait noir

Ok, cette semaine, je voudrais que vous allez voir mon autre site et que vous vous appretez au petit jeu que j'y propose...(voici le lien ou regardez simplement dans la sidebar

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Chelle Y. 2.Susan Helene Gottfried 3.Thomma Lyn 4.Janet

5.Jane 6. armywife 7.Raggedy 8.

(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Water, snow and pennicilin

For the last week, I've been sick!! I have one of my famous cold!! I will almost never catch other viruses, but anything cold, I will catch!! I do cough a lot... One of the only thing that can sooth my throat is water, and I do drink a big quantity each day(more than 3 L) So I want on thursday to the doctor, but my real doctor was not there, he was on vacation... The other doctor just listen to my lung, "everything seems clear there", and boom, give me prescription for penniciline... but as a matter of fact, penniciline don't do much on me, especialy the Avo one... I know it won't help me cure this cold... But since he was not my real doctor(but he was way cuter and had a greater body than my doctor) he didn't knew that the thing that works for me is a cotafy syrup... So three days in treatment, still feel like shit, and don't see improvment!!
And we have had a lot of snow during the weekend, over a foot... But snow means warmer weather...(I really don't mind the snow itself!!) And since we heat the house with wood, it's been really hot in here and dry, just to make mathers worst, my lung are more feeling like they are on fire!!!
Ok, enough of this, I don't like people that complain, I won't be doing more myself!! I'll be all smile in a few days, and still smile at you today...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 11

Thirteen Things about Jill

13 hot men according to me!/13 hommes sexy, selon moi!

This is just a guilty pleasure for me, hope you enjoye it too/C'est juste un péché mignon pour moi, j'espère que vous allez aimer vous aussi!

1. Vin Diesel A man with some pecs like that and a smile like his(even if we don't see it often) is simply sexy / Un homme avec des pectoraux de la sorte et un sourire comme lui(malgré que l'on le voit rarement sourire) est juste sexy

2.Paul Walker His blues eyes and just the guy next door look is what I find sexy about him / Ses yeux bleus et son apparence de garçon d'à côté est ce que je trouve de sexy à propos de lui

3.Hugh Jackman Who didn't fantasise on his Wolferine's character or an other one... I think he impersinafiate virility / Qui n'a pas fantasmé sur son personnage de Wolferine ou un autre... Je pense qu'il impersonnifie seulement la virilité à l'état pur

4.The Rock(Dwayne Johnson) My favorite Hawain, smile, pecs, and he can come and save me any time / Mon Hawaïn préféré, sourire, pectoraux, et il peut venir me sauver n'importe quand!

5. Matthew McConaughey The Texan Charm!! I've always thought he had blue eyes, but no... / Le charme texan!! J'avais toujours cru qu'il avait les yeux bleus, mais non...

6. Edward Burns I've just found him irresitable in Life or something like it / Je l'ai juste trouvé irréssitible dans Life or something like it7.John Corbett There is just something about him... And since I've mistaken the above to be him, normal that I find him handsome(They are twins separate at birth, they have to!!) / Il y a juste quelque chose à propos de lui... Et puisque j'ai pris l'homme mentionné en haut pour lui, c'est normal que je le trouve séduisant(Ils sont des jumeaux séparés à la naissance, ils doivent l'être!!)8. David Boreanaz Angel and Boots... Really great character and with a physic like that... I am under the charm / Angel et Boots...De bons personnages et avec son physique ... Je suis sous le charme

9. Ryan Renolds I really like him before his abs shot in Blade: trinity, but after that, I like him even more!! Look at it!! / Je l'aimais avant la scène avec les abdominaux dans Blade : Trinité, je l'aimais encore plus!! REgardez-le!!!

10.Heath Ledger Coming from a girl that saw A Knight's Tale like 50 times, I have to like the guy that have the main character/ Venant d'une fille qui a vu chevalier comme 50 fois, je dois aimer celui qui impersonnifie le personnage principale

11. Peter Miller I found him sexy the first time I saw him, even if I don't remember where/ Je l'ai trouvé sexy la première fois que je l'ai vu, même si je me rappelle pas ou

12. Wentworth Miller He charm me with his Scofield character in Prison Break /Il m'a charmé avec son rôle de Scofield dans la Grande Évasion

13. Jason Roy-Léveillé I felt guilty finding him attractive before because I thought he was way younger than me(like underage young) but while searching for a picture of him, I have found out he is only one year younger than me / Au début, je me sentais mal de le trouver séduisant car je croais qu'il était beaucoup plus jeune que moi ( comme mineur jeune), mais j'ai découvert qu'il était seulement mon cadet d'un an en recherchant sa photo

And I have to add a #14 / Et je devais en ajouter un # 14

14. Dominic Purcell I really like his John Doe character, from the serie of the same name, who is really unknown, and the guy is just handsome. And I really need to tell you that he was the more sexyest Dracula ever!! / Je l'ai adoré lorsqu'il avait le personnage de John Doe, de la série du même nom, qui a été assez peu connue, et l'homme est juste beau. Et je dois vous dire qu'il a été le Dracula le plus sexy!!!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
